Useful Supplements for Cats and Dogs
Below are the top 10 natural remedies for cats and dogs. Always consult with your veterinarian before using any supplement or herb on your pet.Slippery Elm This invaluable herb has been used for many centuries to treat a variety of conditions from diarrhea to sore...
The Holistic First Aid Kit
Every pet owner knows the importance of having a first aid kit on hand, but not everyone has one or knows what should be in it, or how to use whatever is in it. This article is designed to give some practical suggestions about what sort of things may be useful and how...
Skin Problems in Cats and Dogs
In another section we have dealt with flea and tick control and I am sure that we are all having to deal with the various problems that these irritable little parasites cause, and the often distressing skin problems that are all too often associated with them. A lot...
Flea Control in Dogs and Cats
When we are all enjoying the beautiful summer weather this is not always good news for our animal friends. The climate in many areas seems to be perfect for fleas and ticks and the skin problems and irritations that go along with these irritating, but well designed...
Some Useful Homeopathic Remedies
Aconite A remedy to use at the first sign of a fever, also good for shock, where the patient is very chilly. It can often avert a fever if given in the early stages, especially after being chilled or wet.Calendula A homeopathic remedy that can also be used topically...
Holistic Rabbit Care
What is natural health care and what is it used for? Many rabbit owners and lovers are not aware that natural care and holistic health treatments are available for their pet, and that it can be extremely effective in a variety of conditions. Rabbits have a rapid...
Holistic Horse Care
DIET Horses just like any other animal or human benefit from more natural care. The best place to start is the diet, as this is the main foundation of any natural health care system. Firstly, it is essential to avoid any artificial additives in the feed. The main ones...
Holistic Hiking with your Dog
I called this article “holistic hiking with your dog”, however I used to walk to the beach on a regular basis, feeling rather like the Pied Piper, accompanied by three large dogs and three small cats nose to tail. So if your cat enjoys going with you on small hikes...
Examples of Holistic Treatment
Holistic Veterinary Medicine is becoming increasingly popular for pets and a brief introductory article was included in another article on this website. More and more pet insurance plans are including holistic coverage as popularity increases. Because this method of...
LIKE CURES LIKE – SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR INTRODUCTION: Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was developed in Germany by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the late eighteenth century. Dr. Hahnemann was a brilliant pharmacist and medical translator who was the founder of...
Natural Diets for Pets
Home Made Diet for Specific Health Issues The best diets for both dogs and cats are natural ones, coming as close as possible to the diet they would eat in the wild. Cats are naturally carnivorous and have a high protein requirement, while dogs tend to be more...
Healing Pets the Natural Way
FROM NOVEMBER 2000 CHANNEL 16 NEWS - DALLAS, TEXAS Doctors across America are now giving new meaning to the term hands on healing. They call it complementary medicine, but their patients say they are the ones who deserve all the praise. Doctor Anna Maria Wolf is not...
Flower Essences
WHAT ARE FLOWER ESSENCES? Flower essences are dilute extracts of various types of flowers and plants that are used to treat animals and people. They are similar to homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies and like homeopathic remedies they are diluted and potentized...
Natural Health for Pets
Since the focus of this website is on health here is a brief introduction to the subject. Animals being far more open and uninhibited than most human beings respond extremely well to all forms of alternative therapies. Many people are not aware that holistic treatment...
Nutrition for Cats and Dogs – Overview
The key to good health and a healthy body is directly related to what is put into that body, and this applies to both animals and people. Good nutrition is the basis of a healthy pet. It is essential to feed as healthy a diet as you can. Many commercial pet foods...
Vibrational Medicine Healing Ointment
ABSTRACTI had been doing preliminary clinical trials in the holistic veterinary clinic where I work, on a new form of vibrational healing ointment, based on the principles of bio-energy. The ointment appears to act effectively, rapidly, gentry on the body, and is an...
Bella Mia and How She Chose Us
Ever since I was a small child, I have loved animals of all kinds, and when I was four I told my mother I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up, as many small girls do. So she smiled and nodded, but at the same time encouraged me to follow my dreams, and when I...
Coyote Medicine
The coyote has been the spirit animal for PetSynergy since I first started in 1998. It is not the animal I would have picked, but the coyote picked me, and has been important for my business in a symbolic way. When I have tried to use a different animal like dolphin...
Holistic Veterinary Medicine – Overview
Holistic medicine is becoming more and more popular for people. Once they discover the benefits for themselves they are starting to realize that their pets can also enjoy similar results. It is estimated that two-thirds of all Americans will consult some form of...
Calming your Pet Naturally
Introduction: Pets can suffer from anxiety and other emotional problems from separation anxiety and fear of thunderstorms, to aggression and generalized anxiety. Sometimes anxiety can be a breed tendency, and sometimes it is from earlier trauma, such as abandonment...
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of treatment that most people have heard something about. It is based upon the concept that the body has meridians, or energy lines, running along it, and when the body is out of balance the energy lines are blocked or...
Thor´s Story
Thor was a stray puppy that was dropped off in a bread bin by a garbage dumpster, at the clinic where I worked, one of many animals left there that we were able to help. He was suffering from severe mange, rickets and hip dysplasia. He was so weak that he could not...
Pet Astrology
Animals are just like people and respond to the stars and the tides of the moon …they have their own unique astrology depending on the time and place of their birth…their sunsign is the sign you are most likely to know them for…humans read on to find more about your...
Isis – How I became a Holistic Veterinarian
Isis came to me in Hong Kong, many long years ago, that passed so quickly. I was working as a veterinarian in a small clinic there, and it was her last stop before the pound, where she had little chance of ever leaving; she never made it to the pound. She looked deep...
There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is...
Transformations of Motherhood
I was thirty-eight years old and happily single, with a household of animals for companionship and family. Being single for me was a quiet place of solitude and space, of calm and tranquility. Of pets on the bed and friends on the phone. I was on a spiritual quest,...