
A remedy to use at the first sign of a fever, also good for shock, where the patient is very chilly. It can often avert a fever if given in the early stages, especially after being chilled or wet.


A homeopathic remedy that can also be used topically in tincture form to help large open wounds heal and granulate. If healing is slow and an area of skin needs to be healed Calendula will help.


A remedy to have on hand for puncture wounds that are deep, and there may be nerves affected. It is also excellent for any type of injury to the fingers, such as trapping a finger in a door.

Apis Mel

This is a remedy for swellings associated with insect bites or bee stings, it is homeopathically prepared from bee stings and will help alleviate swelling and allergic reactions to bee stings and insect bites.

Carbo vegetalis

The remedy called the ‘corpse reviver’ can be invaluable where the patient is collapsed and weak or unresponsive. It can help with shock and trauma.


Another remedy that can be used for insect bites or puncture wounds, where there is typically less swelling than with Apis Mel, and the area around the puncture feels cold to the touch.


This is a wonderful first-aid remedy to have available for injuries and shock. A bruise, or blow to the head or sports injury will often respond well to Arnica and it is usually the first remedy to turn to for this kind of injury.

Hepar Sulph

This remedy helps with infections and abscesses that are red, hot and painful, The patient often feels better with heat; they tend to be very irritable and angry.

Rhus Tox

A remedy that is invaluable for strains and sprains to ligaments and tendons that are stiff & painful, but improve with motion.

some-useful-homeopathic-remediesThese are some of the most helpful homeopathic remedies to have on hand, You can usually purchase them in 30 C potency at a good health food store, and generally they are given until relief is broughtt about and as needed when symptoms return. Always seek medical help for an emergency but homeopathics can help while waiting for medical assistance and often mitigate urgent situations.

some-useful-homeopathic-remediesThese are some of the most helpful homeopathic remedies to have on hand, You can usually purchase them in 30 C potency at a good health food store, and generally they are given until relief is broughtt about and as needed when symptoms return. Always seek medical help for an emergency but homeopathics can help while waiting for medical assistance and often mitigate urgent situations.

Dr. Anna Maria Wolf is a holistic veterinarian, based in Washington State, and practices acupuncture and homeopathy, herbology and other holistic modalities. She lives on the Olympic Peninsula with her teenager and a lot of rescue animals including one dog, six cats, four goats,  guinea-pigs, two cockatoos, a donkey, a horse, a flock of chickens, geese and a dozen rescue ducks and several reptiles.