Book Reviews
I have personally selected and reviewed the titles that I have recommended. To order a book please click on the title or the cover and go directly to Amazon who will take care of your order.
MY NATURAL CATS BOOK BY FELINE INSTINCTS I would like to recommend My Natural Cat Book, which I had the honor to contribute to and be veterinary advisor too, by my client and friend, Feline Instincts. With much passion and dedication, Felice has succeeded in curing her own cats without drugs or surgery of illnesses such as Feline Urinary Syndrome (FUS) and Hypothyroidism by feeding a raw meat diet and using homeopathic treatments. Felice has over a decade of experience of feline health issues, raw meat cat diets and classical veterinary homeopathy care for cats, and has had the support of many holistic vets helping her along her journey. Click here to learn more about the book.
THE NEW NATURAL CAT : A COMPLETE GUIDE FOR FINICKY OWNERS: This is the single most useful book for cat owners and is written by a lady who is a cat lover and also very experienced in natural cat care. The book explains about natural diets, and gives practical ideas and recipes. She also gives insights into cat behavior, and explains about how to understanding your cats and their behavior. There is also a detailed encyclopedia of ailments and how to treat them naturally. I recommend most of my cat clients purchase and use this book because of the detailed information it contains.
DR. PITCAIRN’S COMPLETE GUIDE TO NATURAL HEALTH FOR DOGS AND CATS: This is the classic introductory book on natural health care for pets and is a must for your library. It is an excellent general introduction to holistic treatment and has advice on how to treat many ailment using herbs, homeopathy, nutrition and other treatment methods. It explains a great deal about natural diets and what it is important to feed your pet, as well as containing many tempting recipes for your cat and dog. I thoroughly recommend this book to every pet owner interested in natural and holistic animal care. I would love every pet owner has a copy of this book to help them take better care of their pet.
LOVE, MIRACLES, AND ANIMAL HEALING: This is a wonderful anecdotal book written by a pioneering holistic veterinarian. It is definitely heart warming and moving and a must read for any animal lover. I could not put this book down when I read it, and could relate to many of the moving tales, both happy and sad, which he describes in these true stories. Dr. Schoen is truly an animal lover as well as a veterinarian and this is a very spiritual book and a tribute to animals everywhere.
THE NATURAL REMEDY BOOK FOR DOGS & CATS: Any book by Diane Stein is worth keeping close at hand as a reference volume. The two books listed here are complementary and this volume goes through common ailments and gives practical and useful suggestions for holistic treatments you can do at home. It is extremely detailed and well researched and is definitely a invaluable resource book to add to your pet care book shelf. The treatment modalities that are covered include homeopathy, herbs, acupuncture, flower remedies and anything else you can think of.
BACH FLOWER THERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE: This book is directed more at humans than pets but is an excellent source book for the Bach Flower Remedies, which treat emotional, mental and physical problems in animals as well as people. The book details the thirty eight flower remedies and explains how to identify them. It is also useful for pets as they have the same emotions and emotional blockages as people, and this is the best book I have found to learn about these gentle healing essences.
NATURAL HEALING FOR DOGS AND CATS: This book is a complementary volume to the previous book listed and describes and explains various modalities that are covered by the term natural healing. Diane Stein explains about homeopathy, acupuncture, herbs, flower remedies and how they work. She also gives practical uses and useful hints about what ailments are likely to respond best in a particular situation. It is worth getting this book if you want to learn and understand more about how holistic treatment works and is also very well illustrated.
THE SPIRITUAL LIFE OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS: As a holistic veterinarian, and also as a friend of the illustrator of this wonderful book, as well as being honored to have the special cat on the cover as one of my favorite clients, I was very lucky to receive a copy of this book in the mail. I have to recommend this book because of its amazing content and unique insights. When I received my copy a few weeks ago, I sat down and read it cover to cover and was charmed by the stories and also inspired about how this could help with healing both animals and people, as well as plants. I have recommended it to my clients as I feel it is something that will help bring people and animals to a closer understanding of one another and of the spiritual bond between them, that I see every day in the course of my work. Highly recommended!