Some of Our Animal Family


We adopted Trico in 2015 from a family who could not keep him, he is very sweet and happy, and loves to play and retrieve balls and leap high in the air. He is my travelling companion and is an amazing dog. He bounced into my life after some challenging times when I was not even looking for another dog. He has brought so much joy and laughter and reminded me about the importance of love. More on his personal Facebook Page – The Unexpected Husky


We adopted Sylvester from a local kitten rescue, he is very sweet and happy, and loves to play and retrieve toys like a dog. We originally went to get one kitten but came home with two, but they keep each other busy and are great fun!


Capricorn is an Oberhasli wether who is very gentle and kind now he is no longer a buck and has calmed down a lot. He helps mow the lawn and hangs out with his three goat companions Valentine, Izzy and Estrella and keeps then all in line.


We adopted  Valentine and her friend Izzy from someone who could not keep them both. She can be a bit of a bully and likes to get into scrapes more than the other goats, but she does not like the snow at all!

Bella Mia

Bella Mia is an Arabian mare, who was born in 1998, she also came from a rescue and we adopted her in 2012 in a magical way. She is very sweet and affectionate and we have been working hard training her and riding her a lot. She is very smart and learns quickly though can be fearful so we have been working with that a lot, and getting her used to a lot of different things and situations. More about her story here: Bella Mia and How She Chose Us.


We adopted Jasper with his sister Lapis as a kitten, he is a great cat and bonded to his sister, and is quite independent and likes to eat, so is on a constant diet. Here he is as a younger cat!



We adopted Estrella from Sunfield Farm when she was looking for a new home and she came to us in a magical way, with the perfect name and personality. She is a very sweet and gentle soul and we are happy to have her in our small family of goats.


Violet is a female Toulouse Goose, she was a rescue and sat on her infertile eggs for two months in the Spring, she did not hatch any eggs, though we did get some fertile eggs from a friend and was kind of lonely so we found her a mate. After we placed a Lonely Hearts ad for her on Craigslist she is happily bonded with Niffler!


Isabella is a donkey we adopted in 2014, when she was about eight, as a companion to my horse Bella Mia. She is a gentle soul and had a hard life before, now Bella Mia and Isabella are devoted to each other and very happy together. Isabella is smart and funny and sweet and has been a sweet addition to our animal family, and we are very glad we were able to adopt her.


Poppy is the kitten we adopted after we moved into our new house and she came into our lives to help us heal. She is very affectionate and funny, and a strong personality and came into our lives at the perfect time. We had named our property Poppy Hill Farm and after we adopted Poppy from the local shelter we were trying to think of a name, as it had just said three kittens. We looked down at the paperwork and her name was Poppy already. So we knew she was the kitten we were meant to have at Poppy Hill Farm.


Izzy is Valentine’s sweet companion and more skittish than our other goats, one thing about goats is they do not like snow, coming from such a different habitat originally, but luckily we do not have that much snow and they can enjoy the summers and stay inside when it snows!